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Table of Contents


Making controls out of angsts

Making controls out of angsts Nahar Al Mutawah Chief Operations and Services  We all know the phrase making lemonade out

How HR Can Do More with Less

How HR Can Do More with Less Aysha AlSherim Chief Admin and Support Services  Gone are the days of plenty.

A Value Driven Organization

A Value driven organization Aysha AlSherim Chief Admin & Support Services Organizational culture can be seen as a “personality” created

Industry Insiders

District Cooling, a Viable Future

District Cooling, a Viable Future In spite of growing concerns over global environmental issues, particularly the depletion of natural resources,

District Cooling

District Cooling In line with its National Vision 2030 in which it aims to achieve an advanced, sustainable and diversified

Press Releases

Qatar Cool Waives Cooling fees

Qatar Cool Waives Cooling fees Amid the growing restrictions posed on the Retail and Hospitality commercial establishments Qatar Cool announced

Qatar Cool Signs MoU with QEERI

Qatar Cool Signs 50th Tower in West Bay In an effort to enhance the conservational impact and development of district