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United District Energy International L.L.C

Qatar Cool’s International Arm

Who is

United District Energy International

United District Energy International (a limited liability Company) (UDEI) is the international arm of Qatar District Cooling Company Private J.S.C (Qatar Cool). The company was established to direct Qatar Cool’s experience and expertise overseas, expanding into new regions and forming new cooling projects.  

With the taking on of Qatar Cool’s 21 years of experience and capability in the district cooing industry, UDEI are well-appointed and proficient in expanding upon the success of Qatar Cool into the international market.  UDEI’s adoption of nearly two decades of cooling experience, procedures and policy’s, technological know-how and people allow the company a springboard into the marketplace, providing reassurance and trust with future developers, partners, and customers alike.

"To be leaders in the delivery of world class district energy solutions and services, and through collaborations delivering a future winning portfolio."



Delivering value to our shareholders. Building a future winning sustainable portfolio.


Collaborate with partners that share values, synergies, and objectives. Collaborate to deliver the best results. To be key members of the communities we serve.


To be recognised as world class in all we do. Protecting our environment and people. To achieve our objectives with professionalism, integrity, and respect.


Deliver safe, reliable, efficient, and environmentally friendly energy services, driven by our commitment to delivering shared value for our customers, communities, and shareholders.


Led by


UDEI is led by two of the largest prominent companies in Qatar.  United Development Company (UDC), a leader in the real-estate development and infrastructure industry, and Qatar District Cooling Company, the leading district cooling provider in the state, and amongst the top 5 in the world.  

United Development Company

United Development Company (UDC) is a leading Qatari public shareholding company with a strategy designed around identifying and investing in long-term projects contributing to Qatar’s growth and providing shareholder value.

Established in 1999, the Company was first listed on the Qatar Exchange in June 2003. From day one, the Company actively contributing in the development of the State of Qatar, rapidly evolving into a leading Qatari public shareholding company and has successfully established a group of various good performing investments.

Through a combination of project activities and commercial enterprise, UDC and its subsidiaries have accumulated a large amount of specific experience including detailed knowledge of real-estate development, property management, hospitality and maritime, infrastructure and utilities.

Qatar District Cooling Company

Qatar Cool is the leading district cooling company in Qatar, with The United Development Company (UDC) as the majority shareholder. Since its inception in 2003, Qatar Cool has aimed for operational excellence in every aspect of its business. Over the past 21 years, the company has developed solid technical and operational experience and has refined its approach on both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) fronts.  As one of the companies engaged in the creation of Qatar’s infrastructure for the 2030 vision; Qatar Cool has utilized vast resources in preparation to meet the needs of a growing country. 

Qatar Cool is entirely committed to meeting client needs with solutions of the highest quality that will yield the best possible results, in the most competitive manner. Earning and retaining client trust is at the core of the organizations practice, from planning, to execution, to delivery, to maintenance.